Traffic Exchange Delivery Reporting

Reporting | Traffic Exchange Owners | Detailed Report

Add Your Site to the Rankings!

Getting listed is easy, download the add on for your script and upload the contents in to your main directory, it does not need to be altered or configured.
Click the Name of your Traffic Exchange Script to Download the Appropriate Script: LFMTE - LJ - Ventrino - Other (Contact Us)
After you have uploaded the file, complete the form below to collect your first data and be added to the Report.
If you wish to remove your site, simply delete the tdr_reporting.php file from your server.

Any attempt to modify the file in order to attempt to cheat the system will result in permanent blacklisting

Traffic Exchange Domain
(The Domain Name of your Traffic Exchange; Example:

Contact Email Address
(Your email address, we will only use this if we need to contact you to make updates to the script)

I agree to the terms.*

* Terms: I agree to allow you to access the tdr_reporting.php document on my server right now, and at a daily interval. I understand that if I remove this file that you may attempt to continue to access it for up to 7 days. I also agree to never modify the tdr_reporting.php document in any way with attempt to report fraudulent data.

Add Your Site | Reporting | Traffic Exchange Owners | Detailed Report

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